Friday, August 7, 2009

Foam plane revisited

So I've been flying my home built foam plane a couple of times the last few days but it didn't turn out that well. Oh the plane flies but I think the body isn't stiff enough because it is twising around its own roll axis. This behaviour made it really hard to fly since the rudder input I made had to twist the body back before the actual turn started...if you know what I mean. It was like the body not stiff enough added some serious lag to my roll inputs. And yes, I went pretty hard down into the ground...:( But all the electronics are still ok but this plane has to be seen as a prototype. I wont fly this one any more so all the electronics are now removed from the plane. If I find myself some depron or something similar I will try this plane again but until then I'm thinking of buying a Multiplex Easy Star.

I have made some research on the Easy Star on the Internet and it seems like the Easy Star is a pretty good plane for a beginner. It is durable, self stabilizing and not to expensive, just the one I'm looking for. I'm going for the plane only since I already have all the electronics.

Also been surfing the Internet looking at r/c helis but I haven't found the one I'm looking for yet. Or more precisely, I haven't decided yet which one I should go for. My ESky Lama V3 has taken a few more heavy crashes and now it has started to sound a bit funny. I don't know if it is the motor or if it is the gears...but it is still flying. It feels like I'm ready for a more advanced r/c heli. Not an ADVANCED but a instep model for 6ch ccpm. In the post before this one I listed a few examples of helis I am looking at. Maybe I should add a T-REX 450S?
Anyway, in order to get a heli I have to get a new r/c radio...

Monday, August 3, 2009

R/C stuff to consider

Tomorrow I will start to fly with my foam plane. Hopefully I will get more than one flight out of it so that I can get some progress on my r/c plane mission. I feel that I am postponing the r/c plane training all the time so now I have set a deadline for myself.

I also have made myself a list of r/c planes, r/c helis and a list of tx's that I'm considering. As for the planes I really want ailerons or the possibillity to convert to ailerons and with the helicopters I think I want a 6ch cp heli. As always I am looking for things that I don't grow out of the first year.
Any ideas, comments, pros & cons or other stuff that I should consider? Feel free to give me feedback on my lists or maybe more examples of good planes, helis or tx's.

The lists below give you a good idea of which budget range I'm looking for.

  • Spektrum DX6i
  • Spektrum DX7i
R/C Planes:
  • Multiplex Easy Star (which I probably would modify to include ailerons)
  • Great Planes Seawind Seaplane
  • Formosa 2
  • GWS Slow Stick
  • Multiplex MiniMag
  • Graupner Electric-UHU
  • GWS E-Starter
R/C Helicopters:
  • ESky Honey Bee King 2
  • ESky Belt CP (V2?)
  • Blade 400

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Another Lama V3 crash and mission update

It seems like I'm just flying my little heli instead of r/c planes at the moment. I really has to start my sessions with my foam plane soon. I'm really exited to see if it will fly and if I will manage to fly it. Since I have been flying my Lama V3 r/c heli a lot lately I am starting to feel confident that I will manage my r/c plane. So I think I am still on the right path in my mission to learn to fly r/c planes/helis.

eSky 4CH Helicopter Co-co Lama Version 3 Micro Heli Radio Remote Control RC Helicopter RTF for $69.95

Speaking of helis :) I crashed my Lama V3 hard into the ground tail first. The tail part split into a couple of peaces but the rest of the heli was fine. I flew it a couple of times without the tail but it started to shake the big-shake. So I reattached the tail with some scotch tape and now it is back to normal again. As you might be able to see the tips on all rotorblades are scotch taped back on. Maybe I should replace them cause it is starting to make the heli a bit unstable and I have a full spare set. As usual, I am impressed with this little peace of plastic! - #1 RC Helicopter Online Shop

