It seems like I'm just flying my little heli instead of r/c planes at the moment. I really has to start my sessions with my foam plane soon. I'm really exited to see if it will fly and if I will manage to fly it. Since I have been flying my Lama V3 r/c heli a lot lately I am starting to feel confident that I will manage my r/c plane. So I think I am still on the right path in my mission to learn to fly r/c planes/helis.
eSky 4CH Helicopter Co-co Lama Version 3 Micro Heli Radio Remote Control RC Helicopter RTF for $69.95
Speaking of helis :)

I crashed my Lama V3 hard into the ground tail first. The tail part split into a couple of peaces but the rest of the heli was fine. I flew it a couple of times without the tail but it started to shake the big-shake. So I reattached the tail with some scotch tape and now it is back to normal again. As you might be able to see the tips on all rotorblades are scotch taped back on. Maybe I should replace them cause it is starting to make the heli a bit unstable and I have a full spare set. As usual, I am impressed with this little peace of plastic!
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