Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Building the RCPowers F18 easybuild v2 - a 4 part mini series

After buying the ultimate RC course from RCPowers.com I decided to immediately start to build one of the planes from the bonus pdf-plans that I received with the course. The decision fell on the F18 v2 and I will cover my process from printed pdf-plan until the first flight.

(As a disclaimer I do not claim that this is the correct, best, most accurate or fastest way to build this plane. It is just my way of building this plane this time in order to get it up in the air and have some fun with it. Also, I don't have any connections to RCPowers so I think that I will need to limit the photos on my progress not to reveal any specifics of their designs. I find their work in RC exciting and the planes they create to be thoroughly designed.)

I will do this as a mini-series in four parts. Each part will include some specific steps and show my progress towards the maiden flight.

Part 1:
Include why I decided to start with this plane and what I have done up until the point when all the different parts are traced out from the foam sheets.
Part 2:
This is where all foam parts are put together into the final model.

Part 3:
Painting and installation of push rods and electronics.

Part 4:
Maiden flight


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